Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Quirks and strange library encounters

I have now spent over 12 hours in the Van Pelt library working on my early childhood development final paper, which is being edited by my trusty friend at the moment. Given my bit of "free" time and the caffeine high from my third cup of coffee, I feel I must share with everyone some moments and quirks of the library, given my semester-long dedication to the fifth floor computer lab.

  1. WHAT is this doing in the women's restroom? The first time I saw it, I wanted to pull it, of course. However, after many furtive observations, I realized that it is not even hooked in anymore. Then why is it still there? To remind us of potential attacks while in the restroom?
  2. Accidental Footsies: There are sometimes things under the computer lab desks like cords and what-not so I never think much of it when I touch something while stretching out. However, there are a few times when I hit something, and then hit it again only to realize it is someone's FOOT. Thankfully, these desks are rather well secluded from others, so both parties may avoid awkwardness.
  3. Eating Rules: Everyone eats in the library, everywhere. There may be signs, but no one cares and no one should as long as you obey the unsaid rule: do not bring delicious smelling food. Like this guy: (Sidenote: that's a Ginger Brew, not beer)
 4. I know it is finals people, but THAT IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO SHOWER.
5. Why do clocks in old libraries all have different times or just not work at all, like this one?

6. This was taken on the fifth floor. So...WHY does it exist?? I'm so confused....

carrel7. Carrels: No one seems to know what they are. They are just fancy names for personal desks in the library. I have one on the third floor where I leave all my books, and since they are checked out to the carrell and not me, there's NO expiration date. HOW AMAZING. However, that means I often am running from the 5th floor to the 3rd so I can get my books.

However, after a long day at the library plowing through a literature review, you do kinda feel like a rock star once you get it done.

My second home

Monday, December 8, 2014

Santa, DeStress and how-will-I-get-it-all-done faces...

 Finals have arrived.

What do I have to do, you may ask?

ED514: Reflection paper (7-9 double spaced)--Due Thurs
ED695: Policy Brief Proposal (400 words)--Due Thurs
ED533: Inquiry Project Literacy Curriculum (maybe it'll be 50 pages...?)--Due Thursday
ED545: Early Childhood Development Literature Review (10-12 single spaced)--Due Friday
ED667: Stats Exam--12/16

Comparatively, I actually don't have THAT much...but they are in progress and still require a lot of dedication. I'm keeping track of my library hours so I'll share those at the end of the week. But...There's DESTRESS WEEK at GSE.

 Here's a "Applied Research Methods to Inform Policy and Practice" group studying for their exam which they have today. Look at us IEDPers GOOO...

Of course, no finals could take place without a visit from Santa! Dani had a "Mingle and Jingle" holiday party on Saturday night and a few of us stopped by, despite the disgusting windy/rainy/cold weather. However, it was an early night because of all the work we have to get done.

Here is an IEDP group shot. We're hanging in there...somehow. By the end of the week, I think we will all be grateful for a LONG break, at least until Spring Semester begins on January 14th. 

Now, I have to get to my post at the GSE Admissions desk and somehow, just somehow, get everything done by Friday. It will get done, because it MUST get done! 


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Ways to kill time when you're sick of reading in the library and have a class in an hour

  1. Read a fellow IEDPer's blog. (So funny.)
  2. Complete course evaluations for the semester.
  3. Check flights.
  4. Download all assignments from Canvas.
  5. Eat.
  6. Watch videos of cute babies on facebook.
  7. Post cute baby videos on friends' facebooks.
  8. Write a blog about how to kill time, while killing time.
  9. Organize all your papers that are falling out of your notebook.
  10. Chair yoga.
  11. Catch up on emails.
  12. Schedule out your entire week in your planner, mentally including showers and cooking.
  13. Open up all reading assignments to see which is the most appealing. Read the first page. Resume procrastination.
  14. Casually skim through Bali: A Paradise Created while walking from the restroom and then get nostalgic and look at old photos. 
  15. Fuss with photos on blog for 10 minutes.
  16. Realize that you're paying way too much to spend an hour killing time, and GET BACK TO WORK.

Monday, December 1, 2014

The final sprint!

Before Thanksgiving break, we were all anxiously waiting for a few days of family time and rest before gearing up for the final sprint. However, we have returned to campus and are busier than before. My Thanksgiving involved driving up to Vermont on Wednesday night during a snowstorm, going 25 mph at times on the highway. But Vermonters are hardy and I made it safely 2am. But I was able to enjoy the foot of snow outside while I sat by the fire with my cat and drank tea. Well worth the drive. 

The next two weeks will be BEYOND hectic. Finals at GSE usually just consist of final papers/projects/assignments and some short class presentation. I do have an actual multiple choice exam for my statistics course, which worries me MORE than the other assignments actually. Since I went to Smith College, I am used to finals being a ton of writing and editing and 14 hours spent in the library typing and drinking coffee. I believe I only had one or two self-scheduled exam during my time there. However, there are a few things coming up as well, like a Hot Cocoa Break tomorrow (who says 'no' to cocoa at 7pm?) and some secret santas and the like.

Finals, or grad school in general, can be a stressful time. There is a 24 hour hotline for Penn students who need to talk with someone when things get too overwhelming and CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) I'm sure will be accommodating as more students drop into their offices. Self-care is vital for life and also for stressful periods such as grad school. Plus THE END OF THE SEMESTER IS NEAR! It ends up boiling down to two more weeks (yikes!) and somehow...everything will get done. 

Enough blogging for me! Back to work!