Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Ways to kill time when you're sick of reading in the library and have a class in an hour

  1. Read a fellow IEDPer's blog. (So funny.)
  2. Complete course evaluations for the semester.
  3. Check flights.
  4. Download all assignments from Canvas.
  5. Eat.
  6. Watch videos of cute babies on facebook.
  7. Post cute baby videos on friends' facebooks.
  8. Write a blog about how to kill time, while killing time.
  9. Organize all your papers that are falling out of your notebook.
  10. Chair yoga.
  11. Catch up on emails.
  12. Schedule out your entire week in your planner, mentally including showers and cooking.
  13. Open up all reading assignments to see which is the most appealing. Read the first page. Resume procrastination.
  14. Casually skim through Bali: A Paradise Created while walking from the restroom and then get nostalgic and look at old photos. 
  15. Fuss with photos on blog for 10 minutes.
  16. Realize that you're paying way too much to spend an hour killing time, and GET BACK TO WORK.

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